
来源:步知资讯 时间:09-18 阅读:



  We all know that reading is important, but not everyone has recognized the fact that one’s reading competence is of equal importance. It not only helps us acquire information more quickly but also improves our reading experiences and outcomes. So how to improve our ability to read? From my perspective, there are three practical ways.

  First, we should learn strategies to meet different reading needs. For instance, we can skim and scan materials when reading for fun. Secondly, keeping a reading journal is recommendable because it encourages us to take notes, comment and reflect. Through this may we benefit more and improve our reading capacity. Finally, the increase of reading capacity also takes time and practice. Therefore, we should read more regularly and read with better habits, like switching phones to silent mode when reading.

  To conclude, the above three methods can all help develop reading ability. One may choose what fits him most and keep reading.


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