
来源:步知资讯 时间:06-18 阅读:


  A Letter to My Friend

  Dear Alice,

  I am writing this letter in the purpose of showing my sincere gratitude for all the support you have given me when I can't adapt myself very well to the college life.

  Since I can totally enjoy my new life in the campus now, I can't wait to show you how much I appreciate your help and share my feelings with you. As for me, it is the first time that I have been apart with my loving parents and come to a thoroughly strange place. Facing everything new here, I find it hard to focus on my study and make friends. It is you who see through my weakness and stand by me in the darkest days. With your company and encouragement, I can face my college life with a positive mind.

  After all we have been through, I hope our friendship would go further and further. Just remember that I would be there for you if you need any help.


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