
来源:步知资讯 时间:12-19 阅读:

  Part I Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  1. [A] It was dangerous to live in.

  2. [B] A storm

  3. [B] They were trapped in an underground elevator.

  4. [C] They sent supplies to keep the miners warm.

  5. [D] Close some of its post office.

  6. [C] Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays.

  7. [A] Many post office staff will lose their jobs.

  Section B

  8. [D] He will lose part of his pay.

  9. [B] He is a trustworthy guy.

  10.[D] She is better at handling such matters.

  11.[C] He is always trying to stir up trouble.

  12. [D] Reserved

  13. [A] They stay quiet

  14. [C] She was never invited to a colleague’s home.

  15. [B] Houses provide more privacy

  Section C

  16. [D] They will automatically be given hiring priority.

  17. [C] Visit the school careers service.

  18. [B] Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere.

  19. [C] It may be sold at a higher price.

  20. [A] It is healthier than green tee.

  21. [D] It does not have a stable market.

  22. [B] They prefer unique objects of high quality.

  23. [B] They could only try to create at night.

  24. [A] Make wise choices.

  25. [A] To boost the local economy.


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