
来源:步知资讯 时间:06-18 阅读:

  News report 2

  Big fast food chains in New York City have started to obey a first of its kind rule, requiring them to post calorie counts right on the menu. Cathy Nurses is with the New York City department of health, 'We wanted to give people an opportunity to actually see the calories before they purchased the food and make a decision and inform decision. That if they want to make their healthier choice, if they want to eat fewer calories they can. And we expect this will have a huge impact on obesity. And of course, if it has an impact on obesity, it will have an impact on diabetes and heart disease and high blood pressure. 'The new rules will introduce as a part of anti-obesity campaign. That also includes a recent citywide ban and artificial trans-fats in restaurant food. The menu roll only applies to restaurants that serve standardized potion sizes and have fifty more locations nationwide. Starting last Saturday, chains big enough to fall under the rule will face penalties about 2000 dollars for not showing calorie information in a prominent spot on their menus preferably next to the price.

  Q3. What are big fast food chains in New York City require to do according to the new rule?

  Q4. What would happen to big restaurant chains that violate the new rule?


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