
来源:步知资讯 时间:06-18 阅读:

  Passage Two

  Parents and teachers will tell you not to worry when applying for a place at a university. But in the same breath will remind you that it is the most important decision of your life.

  The first decision is your choice of course. It will depend on what you want to get out of university, what you are good at and what you enjoy. The next decision is where to apply. Aim high but within reason. Do you have the right combination of subjects and are your expected grades likely to meet entry requirements? The deadline is January 15th. But it is best to submit your application early because universities begin work as soon as forms start rolling in.

  The most important part of the application is the much feared personal statement. This is your chance to convey boundless enthusiasm for the subject. So economy of expression is foremost. Omit dull and ineffective generalities and make sure you give concrete examples.

  Admissions officers read every personal statement that arrives. It is not convincing if you say you have chosen the subject because you enjoy it. You have to get across what it is about a particular area that has inspired you. They will look for evidence that you have reflected and thought about the subject.

  Applicants should be honest. There is no point saying you run marathons, if you are going to be out of breath arriving at the interview on the second floor.

  Q19. What is the first decision you should make in preparing to apply for a place at a university?

  Q20. What is the most important part of the application?

  Q21. What must applicants do in their personal statements?


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